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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why you trust her but not me

Katie and Ben were friends for 9 years, but Ben and Jen were friends just for a year. Ben used to sit with Katie. But,he chose to sit with Jen now. Obviously, Ben liked her because she was pretty. Bees were following her everywhere, they wouldn't leave her an inch. They were hypnotized by her. Whenever she brushed her hair with her fingers or swayed her hair, their eyes would glimmer and follow her gaze. Ben was her boyfriend, he was so proud of that. He thought he was the lucky person,he was not actually. Pretty appearance doesn't mean pretty, pretty in the heart means pretty like Katie. Their relationship was a secret,but many people found out because it was so obvious. Paparazzi can find out the celebrities' relationship, why can't they? They soon knew it just by watching their action. Ben told Katie everything include his relationship. She was strike by the storm when the words went into her ears. Her heart tore into pieces, hands were frozen and her head hung down. Ben didn't notice it, he kept talking bout Jen with a smile on his face. While she pretended to be listening and congratulated to him. A fake smile forced to come out while her heart was aching. "Not her again,not her again. please,please, please."she whispered in her heart. In the end, he mouthed:J-E-N again. Jen was part of his life. He couldn't live without her which was really stupid. When Jen was not with him, his face was moody all the time, dark circles under his eyes and her name kept swimming in his head. Katie would be the listener, she hated to be the listener, why couldn't he just talk bout Katie? Why must be her? So,when Jen found out many people knew bout their relationship,she went straight to Ben and scolded him. The first thought in Ben's mind was Katie. He went it the class and shot her with sharp words. She didn't have the chance to explain because he walked away after he finished his sentence. She tried but she knew he wouldn't believe her because she was just a friend. For Ben,his girl was more important than best friend. Since then,he never talk to her anymore. "Are we still friends?"Katie wondered. She cried for the whole day just for him, but he didn't even care. When there was Jen,there was no Katie. So,what for to cry for someone who doesn't care bout you? It's just a waste of time and energy. Save your tears! He is the most BD person in the world!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friendship and Love

* Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
* Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
* Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
* You can only go as far as you push.
* Actions speak louder than words.
* The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
* Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
* Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.
* A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
* If you think that the world means nothing, think again.
You might mean the world to someone else.
* When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead,
you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
* True friendship never ends.
* Friends are forever.
* Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
* Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
* What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
* Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

Most people walk in and out of you life. But only True friends leave footprints in your heart. Whether we realize it or not, everyone we know is very special to us.

When we look back on our younger years, we will remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.

There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.

The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have.

A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever.

For every second spent in anger, a minute of happiness is wasted.