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Friday, September 30, 2011

Just be Yourself

Why you wanna care bout what other people say bout you? Does it matter to you? Really matter, that important? Does it affect you?

No,you shouldn't. Just be yourself. That's the answer.

Well,human got a gift, that is a mouth to gossip. It's not wrong to gossip.We gossip bout each other. Good and bad. Everyone heard bout bad and good gossips bout them. Some will get hurt, depressed while some ignore. You think: why do they wanna gossip bout you? Is it because of your attitude really got problem or they just gossip to please themselves. If you realise that you're the problem, you should change as they said. Don't take it with a pull face, accept it optimistically. It might be a good start. Change yourself to be a better person. Prove them! You can do it! There's one thing, you don't need to do everything as they mentioned because you might just want them to accept you. It means you're changing for them, but not for yourself. It's WRONG WRONG WRONG! It brings no benefits to you. You change yourself so you can accept YOU! If you think they are over, well, just ignore them. Ignore what they said. Does it really matter to you?

Of course you'll feel sad when your friends gossip bout you behind your back, unsatisfied what've you done. So what? If you think you're right and you're not that over, so, just be yourself. Maybe the problem is not from you, but from other people.Everyone got different opinion. Sometime, we just need to accept it. Remember, don't get affected by what they say to you. Protect your emotions and your heart. When you see them whispering or hear bout what they said, just give a smile. If you wanna live, you must smile. One day, they will accept you. True friends will only accept you, the real person. Don't cry, be a big girl who doesn't cry. You must learn to think mature. Please yourself first before you please other people.

Ps: You live for yourself, you don't live for other people.

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