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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Afraid of Losing Her

Lawrence realises there is something between them but he also realises there's a change between them. He feels strange and scared. Real scared. The atmosphere thickened. Worries in his heart,wrinkles on his forehead. He doesn't know what to do. He feels like crying but he can't. He is so afraid of losing her. Forever...

    Well, Lawrence has to accept the fact that Crystal has a lot of friends. Her pretty face attracts the bees surrounding her. He is consider the lucky one who got her attention successfully. Yeah, they're together and everyone knows that. Still,there are some jerks who try to flirt with her. He knows he should get use to it, but jealousy always grow in his heart. Everytime he tries to convince himself that it's okay, she loves him and he loves her too and she's belong to him. She can't be belong to anyone but him. Just him. Yeah. Hope so.

     Sigh....If he says he's not jealous. It's definitely a lie. When he sees her being around with other guys, smiling and talking to each other. His heart begins to ache and his hand has the urge to punch those guys in the face. Hard. Those jerks... Unfortunately, some of his friends fall for her too which is really painful. They are his friends and she's his girlfriend. Sigh....Well, he can't stop her from talking to them. She has her own freedom and he doesn't want her to get angry. He rather be jealous than losing her.

     A few weeks ago, he started to feel something was going on. She met a guy. Of course that guy likes her but he is not sure whether she likes him or not. She keeps talking to him but him. They're still together but he is not sure whether she has the same feeling for him as he does. The way she looks at him and the way she talks to him has changed. They seldom hang out since then. When he calls her, she says she is busy all the time. So,they barely talking to each other. He misses her and he loves her. He will do anything to get her back in many ways to make sure she's still belong to him.
      Never leave him is the only request from him. Never ask for too much. If she doesn't love him anymore, he won't force her to stay because he knows a relationship won't spark with a one-sided love. He prefers to let her be happy and be free. Just as she wants. Although he knows he'll suffer without her,his life will be an empty box, dull as coffin. It is just a prediction, now he still has her in his hands and he'll grab her tightly no matter what. The feeling of losing someone, you'll never want to try.

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