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Tuesday, September 10, 2013


          Unexpected, isn't it? Wondering how people can change so fast. Some change in a split second. Let's say, there's one guy. Erm... He found you, he looked at you and added you in Facebook. He started a conversation and both of you chat, exchange phone numbers and know more about each other. Then, he asked you out for a dinner with a bunch of friends at first. Then, more things came in. Out of a sudden, he didn't talk to you anymore. No message from him. Just disappear. It's obvious that he had lost interest on you and maybe another girl is his new target but not you. Don't feel sad. If you do, it means you fell into his bloody trap. The more frequent you find him to chat, he will just think that you're annoying and dump you like a trash. At first, he tried many ways to get your attention. Oh there! He saw someone better, maybe just look even better than you then he walked towards her and totally forgot about you. You know, this kind of guy appears anywhere. So, beware. Alright, this is just an example.

         So what about the ones you love? Or the only one you love.

         Years of relationship? Months or days? You choose. I'm not sure how to talk about this but this is for you. It's alright. It's okay. You'll be fine. No wait, I can't use these words. It won't work. Those are just words of comfort, not the pure "medicine" to heal you. Well, of course I know you'll be fine. Trust me. You will without even realising it. Time is the best cure. Family and friends play a big role in that too. You can't face this alone. Without your family and friends, without your listener, do you think you will go through this? Listen to advice, accept the fact and move on. Everyone learn from their mistakes through lessons. Polish yourself and shine your way. Prove to him/her, make them regret and make them realise that they've made the wrong decision. They don't deserve your tears. Like I said, you release tension by crying but you gain love by smiling. Each time you cry, you feel better for a moment. The next moment, you might want to cry again because flashbacks. Then, you get exhausted. You go to sleep. However, each time you smile, you smile forever. Flashbacks don't happen anymore. You only remember the happy memories. Sad memories are meant to be gone. You feel good forever. While you smile, you are sharing happiness at the same time. Don't forget to laugh. Laughing out loud as if nobody hears. Hey, I suggest you watch Running Man. :)

         I know. You put some much effort in it. Your love, time, money, effort and trust. Everything blend in. In the end, you got chunks of wastes and heart attack. What can you do? Stunt. Place your palm to your chest as if you're holding your heart and breathe deeply. Blink back your tears multiple times. Fail. Tears are rolling down your cheeks. Clenching your fist and swallow the lump in your throat. Faster grab a piece of tissue and wipe away your tears. Then, burst into tears again. To commit into a relationship, both must do it together in the same way. Both must have the same thoughts in maintaining it. If thoughts clashed, one of them must take a step back and be tolerant with the other. Little things are not worth to fight for. The one you love is the only thing that worth it. Relationship fails if one lets go his/her hand. It means that person doesn't want to stay in it anymore. There's no point dragging him/her back. Decision is made. Don't make them feel guilty because they already are. Just accept it and tell them how much you've loved them through all those days for one last time.

        You used to do almost everything with your partner. Now, you just being alone. No one is going to be there for you anymore. No sweet talk, no message, no good mornings or good nights, no hugs, no kisses and no contact perhaps. Distance that creates problem. Distance has to solve it right now. Apart from each other for the moment is what everyone thinks after a break up. Some might feel awkward so they choose to run away from it. Some don't know what to say or where to begin. Feelings aren't the same anymore. Some might think that keep in contact will just bring false hope to the other. Transformation happens. Soon, you will know. You might not get used to it at first but soon you will. It might take months, depends on how deep is your pain. Don't hesitate. Just believe you can deal with it. You will be able to live through all the catastrophe. Life is never easy, you know that.

       So just remember, I'm here for you. You can look for me if you need me and I promise I will always be there for you. I will be a good listener. Not gonna complain anything.

PS: Changes mean nothing. It's common. Good or bad that judges it all.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Care about yourself before them.

       You don't live to please others. You live to please yourself. That's the reason you were born in this world. You satisfy people by satisfying yourself or you satisfy yourself by satisfying people? Fed up of pleasing others but you? Sick of not getting what you desire? The best thing you can do is just forget about it, throw everything aside and start fresh. Don't put your hopes too high on something, it will bring you down to the ground if you fail. Yes, it's good to be confident, to have faith in you and trust. I always tell people that they must be confident because confidence is a powerful tool that brings success. I never doubt of what I said. I do believe confidence do bring success not just luck. Yet, I put my hopes too high sometime and I broke down. So what? I blame it on my luck. 

      How do you feel when you don't get any respond from others? Yeap, lonely. How do you feel when you don't get what you want? Yeap, suck. Abandoned. Is that the right word? Hmm... Nope. Ignored is the best word. When you plan something or propose something and you expect someone to reply you or accept or comment about it. However, there is nothing except you the one who posted "it". Maybe there are a few look through it and forget about it seconds later. Some will scroll and scroll and scroll, look at it and says :"Ohhh" then scroll down again. Some even worse, totally have no initiative to look at it. When it comes to them, how will they feel? They will understand when they reach the stage. For now, they just don't bother. When this happens to you, you know you just have to stop. Stop bothering it, it doesn't help you at all. No point waste your effort and time. Go do something better, something that makes you happy and worth your time and effort. So, you may "delete" the post right now. 

     Put in mind, you've tried your best and you can't do anything about it. Move on. Some people just don't know how to appreciate your piece of artwork. Wait till someone who truly appreciates it. Trust me. There will be someone. God is fair to us. You're not the only one in this world. It depends on your luck, timing, faith and of course your effort. How much effort you put into it and that's what you will get in the end. If you didn't get anything, stop and have a fresh start like what I've told you in the first place. It's alright to start all over again. I know it's difficult. It's like you have to throw years of effort, gold, time and love into the bin. From that moment, they become trash and meant to be forgotten. You may weep now. The whole box of tissue is yours. After you've done, be like a man or a woman. Wipe all the tears away and stand gracefully. Show them that you can do it, way much better than them. Show them that you're not a piece of trash, you're not useless. You're someone that everyone can count on. It might take months or years to achieve that stage. What's the big deal? Just get healed! Just get up from that useless piece of wood! Tired of everything? Sorry, life is not done yet. You're not allowed to leave. You have to stay. So, wake up and show them your inner beauty.

     Remember the ones who thank you. Remember the ones who comfort and support you. Remember the ones who raise you up. Remember the ones who make you smile. Forget the ones who go to you when they need you but flee when you need them. They are the jerks and they are not worth it. Soon, you will find out who are your true friends. It's simple. 

PS : You release tension by crying but you gain LOVE by SMILING. :)