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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unwanted split Part 1

Splits,do you ever imagine that we will split someday? However, we had split. Since when? I'm not sure bout it. It just come to us in a sudden like a tsunami racing towards us, bring us to the jaws of death. Well, I want to ask, do you think split is good for all of us? Is it the ending we want? We walk different path, eyes turn to the opposite side to avoid each other' sight, hands have not be seen in the air like strangers... When we are bump into each other, we are forced to say hi to each other and force a smile. Is that what we all want? Other people look at us with suspicious eyes because the situation is so weird...They are wondering why are we behaving like that? The moments we hanging around is past,had disappeared into the midst. The moments we laughed together had gone with the wind. How sad... For my opinion, I never want it to be like this. Plus, I never know that split can involve us..You know,us.... First of all,I'm here is to say my opinion bout split. I'm not here to blame anyone, I never say it's your fault or my fault or the God's fault. When you think bout it, do you think you are involve in the circle too? One person starts to move in the circle, another person will move too and so on....It'll never stop. When the person behind you bumps into you, you will turn around, look at the person with anger and walk the different path. That's all what we do to each other. I think bout this all the time and try to solve this problem. I observe this problem for a long time.... But, I can't help anything if no one works with me.

Gossip,is what we do all the time. Gossip is one of out habit. Well, girls so gossip,it's common. Do you realise gossip do hurt? When you are gossiping you friend, do you think bout the consequences before? If your friend found out, your friend will be questioning, start to avoid you and soon start to spread gossip bout you. You gossip, they gossip. Everyone gossip gossip gossip.......NON STOP!!! Some gossip might be real and some might be fake. It's true. There are people who like to spread fake gossip bout other people because they might hate them. Life is complicated, isn't it? No matter a gossip is true or fake, in the end it do hurts. Gossip is meant to be hurt. What you don't know might hurt you. So,it's better to not to hear anything. I didn't stop you from gossiping. You can gossip, but not bout your friends around you. If your friend gossip bout you, how will you feel? Bad? Hurt? No way happy,right? Someone who gossip bout you doesn't mean that person is bad, that person hates you. Sometime,that person just giving an opinion bout you. That's it. You need to face it. Mostly you heard that your friend gossip bout you is from another person's mouth. The person who gossip bout you doesn't want to let you know because you probably will dislike her/him after that. Most people can't bear other people talking bad bout them, they want to be perfect.Nobody is 100% perfect in this world,that's the thing. Everyone got weakness inside them. Sure got at least one! Actually, some of them are just comment bout you, not criticizing you. You have to think, maybe they are right bout it, and you need to change. Their comments can make you a better person, this is the way to improve yourself, this is the way to know what's your weakness. You won't know without someone telling you. Isn't it? Let me ask you, what's your weakness? Do you think you are a good person or a bad person? What's other impression bout you? How attractive are you? You won't know all these until someone tells you. So,just accept the comment they gave you. It's a good thing. If you still want to keep that person who gossip bout you as a friend, forget bout the gossip. It's better not to know anything and go on. Many friendship had been murdered by gossips....

When I clicked the my photos, I scrolled down the photos one by one. I love it all...Everything bout us We were smilling, laughing, talking and playing. We were gathering around in a room. We were so happy together. I love that moment. It was ages ago. I really hope that it can come back to us and be present tense. Why does it need to be past tense? Actually, we are the one who made it a past tense to all of us. We crushed it all, we are the destroyers, we smashed our happiness without thinking. Remember? We used to order pizza all the time. Haha! The same old food. Oh! I remember our favourite game, I stood there and called everyone' names by using my speed. And, we were standing outside barqueing...We used to sing birthday song togther. What happened now? We did those things now too. But,in a different way, in a different group, in a different place. What to do? The old place was sold! Hah! I have a thought,that is buy a album and put all the photos inside. That will be awesome! Those were pretty sweet memories. I'm not saying that the present situation sucks. Don't you think the moments we had last time is way much more better than now? We did things together. Now, we are split! Sometime, we have to think who to invite when we organise a gathering. I believe some do secretly organise a gathering. When a person ask him/her where he/she went, they started telling lies!!! It's because they didn't want the person to know that they had been going out with another group. Everyone had been doing things secretly like a criminer. What's wrong? Why can't we just go out and do whatever we want? Isn't that simple? Why we have to make things so difficult? I'm not scolding, I'm just advising... Just look at the bright side, do you still remember those days we had been together? Think bout it....
Everyone is wondering who is the destroyer who tear us apart? Well. I believe there is someone. But that someone is us. Misunderstanding. We keep misunderstanding each other because we believe those gossip. Listen is okay but not too much. When someone told us something bad bout another person, we straight away fall for it because that person is our best friend. We support our best friend all the time, that's why we believe them. Before truly believe bout that, do you ever wonder there may be a misunderstanding between them. There is something that they don't know, they do not bother and do not want to listen. It's very complicated. You don't know who's wrong, who's right. Who should we believe? WHO?! There is many gossip bout us in the air, so many rubbish! Stupid rubbish! Kill the rubbish that had tear us apart! Dissatisfaction tear us apart too! Of course there is some who is hot-tempered. The hot-tempered ones will explode when they are not satisfied with things which their friends did. Well, we have to sabar... That's what I always tell myself. That's the only way to cool you down, so that nothing become worse, so that there is no war as noone wants it,right? Well,is there a war between us? I guess so. But not that bad,i guess. I hope not. If there is, I wish we can stop it from happening. Imagine, we! We having a war? Wow! Everyone will be like OMG! They thought we are close friends, why suddenly we are having a war? War as in what way? Don't talk to each other? Spread gossip bout each other? Hate each other? Having a fight? I guess we know we are in what level. There is always someone who try to be annoying. We don't like what they did to us. We shouldn't talk bad bout them, we should tell them that they should change their attitude. If they don't listen, we have nothing to do bout it then. To the annoying people, if you don't listen, you will lose your friends sooner or later. Just listen and make things better, you will get to know more friends. There will be part 2


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


You know what's bastard? Well, look at the mirror, and IT'S YOU!!! Hah! Can't believe you are the one, well you are the one. I still remember those days, we were chatting in msn every afternoon. We chat almost every day! Every time I online, you'd be the first one to talk to me. Now, those were past. I always hope that we can be like those days again. We were so close. But,since when we become strangers? I totally don't know you at all. You are so different to me. And worse... You don't talk to me in msn again. You barely talk to me at school. When I know that you got a feel for me, I still remain as a close friend with you, I didn't care bout the rumors that were spread in the air because we are friends, isn't it? Until then, you like another girl, I swear to keep the secret and I didn't spit it out. But, you are treating me as a piece of shit. You ditch me, lie to me, walk away from me and force a fake smile in front of me. That's pathetic. How can you turn over a rotten leaf? I wish you can turn over a new leaf,not rotten. I'm sick of lies, I hate lies and you know that. Instead, you keep telling lies over and over again. You think I'm dumb? You think I'm the girl in the poem "He had such quiet eyes"? No! I'm not! I'm way smarter as you thought. I found out the truth. The first time you lied to me was last year. I still remember that day I cried lifelessly because I had trust you, I trust you as a close friend. How could you lie to me? And now, you did the same old thing again.... I'm already used to it but I'm sick of it! You said nobody cares bout you? Seriously? I care bout you so much, but you didn't notice at all. You didn't bother to look at me! You just look at the "rotten apple", you just care bout her until you ditch us. Do you realise that you are the one who ditch us? We are not the one who ditch you. We invite you out so many times, but you keep throwing aeroplane to us! You said you want to go out. Then, I organized a gathering. In the end, you were not there. WTH! You think you are a king? You are just a bastard! I believe when I walked in, your heart was thundering hard when you heard my footsteps echoing on the floor. There was a sign of guilty shown in your eyes because you had lied to me.... You had ditch me without a sign, without a sound. When I said hi to you, you said hi back to me with a awkward smile. I turned back and walked away with a sigh. I was wondering "how could you do this to me?".  Am I your friend? You are such a selfish bastard, just like a pleasure-seeking guy. You want fun, you want other people to paradise you. But, when I need you, where are you? You run away like a bat out of hell until out of sight. I feel like slapping you in the face. I hate it when you keep mourning and complaining... I try to do anything to fulfill your request, but you never appreciate it. What kind of human are you? When I found out your lies, I keep telling myself that everything is fine and you won't lie to me again. Unfortunately, you disappoint me. You never find me when you got someone else beside you. When you are alone and you got difficulties, you will straight come to me. I'm not your slave, I'm not born to serve you, protect you and help you all the time. From now on, you are nothing to me since I'm nothing to you. I won't help you again since you never appreciate me and you never come to me when I need you. Don't you think it's fair? If you want to keep on this suck attitude, go on, I don't mind anymore because there is no harm for me. You are the one who is gonna RUGI! Bastard, be responsible and try to be mature! You think how old are you? You just a little younger than me but you are sixteen! For crying out loud, I used to think how to celebrate you birthday. But now, it's erase from my mind since there will someone you like gonna celebrate for you. I don't think you are a boy because boy is not that immature. In fact, I'm much HOTTER than YOU!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My awesome birthday!

I admit I'm a dumby,well "was" because my birthday part had over. It was one week ago. We celebrated earlier. I won't forget that day, never. It was 5th May, Thursday. That day, Pei Ling invited me to have a lunch. At first, I thought she had some private stuff to tell me. Then, Giraffe, Pei Ling and I went for lunch in "Face to Face" at ss15. While we were on the way, we bump into Bamboo, Mei, Ming, Yee, Jo and Malau. I ordered Eight Treasure Island because the weather was freaking hot. While Giraffe and Pei Ling ordered mee la.. Unfortunately, there was egg shells in Pei ling's bowl. Awesome, right? Haha! Should have capture it! Lols! And maybe report to their boss? Giraffe sure happy bout it. While having lunch, I didn't know who called Giraffe to ask us to go to Yee's house. I didn't notice that Giraffe was behaved strangely because I just focus at my bowl. So, we went to Yee' house. Actually, I didn't want to go to her house because the weather killed me and the distance was long. I was quite lazy to walk but I still went in the end. Pei ling walked super fast and I missed that part. I couldn't believe I didn't notice that she was rushing. When we reached Yee's house. Ming came down from the stairs first and asked me:" You came already arh?" "Yeah, I go back already"I answered. I didn't know there was somebody else standing along the staircase until I saw Wai Neng jumped out and started to sing Happy Birthday song. I ducked my head towards the staircase and I saw everyone was standing there while Yee walked down staircase with both hands carrying the cake. I was shocked, my eyes widen and I crooked my eyebrow to one side. First thing came into my mind was "Who's birthday?" Then, when everyone gathered near the dining table and facing me while singing happy birthday song. So,it was obvious, that was me. Lol! I felt like banging my head on the wall. How can I be so stupid? How could they tricked me successfully? This was a dream, I told myself. OKAY! I admit that I almost burst into tears at first but mainly because of the hot weather. Trust me! When I saw the cake, I eventually knew Giraffe bought it because it was cheese cake. Cheers to cheese cake! YUM! That was not the right time to eat cheese cake though, because my stomach was already full. Still, I managed to swallow it. Ming kept stuffing chocolate into my mouth made me felt sick until I almost vomit everything out through my lungs. I should stuff it back into her mouth. Everyone shared the cake and Bamboo was the last one to finish it. Giraffe gave me a super duper cute panda which is me! And a mug with a weird face on it! Hah! I received a beautiful ring necklace from them too. The thing I like the most is the cards that were wrote by my appetizers, desserts and others in my life. So damn creative. But, I wondered why everyone had to write someone's name on it! Gosh! It was risky,okay? I had to hide it in a safe place. Actually, I  like the panda more! Thanks to my super duper cute friends!!! I love you guys! Thx, Giraffe! You did a lot! We should go to Jie's house! I want to destroy him! Haha