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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Finally! I ate my Jogoya! My family and I went out around 10.30am. My dad parked the car at Sungei Wang. Before lunch, we went there for a walk until 12.30pm. My mum looked through all the shops and just bought one shoe.= =" My stomach was grumbling and moaning for food. Before we went out, I had exercise on the treadmill and took two slices of bread. So,I could eat more at the buffet restaurant. When we reached Jogoya, there was no one making a beeline towards the reception. Just us..It was way different than the time we went there. So quiet... Good thing was we didn't need to fight for food. So,we wobbled all the food. I love the ice cream! Desserts!!! Gosh. They look so nice! This time, I don't felt really full.I could eat more, but then my family couldn't stand it anymore,especially my dad. Never mind,so we just left. I wish I could bring back all the desserts.^^ After the buffet,we went to Pavillion, Fahrenheit 88 and Sungei Wang. My legs were screaming for a chair. I needed a chair. But,we just kept walking and walking. Yawned all the way and wished I had a bed that moment. Tokyo Street in Pavillion really not as fascinating as what I've expected. Just normal la...We didn't know what to buy there. All look so fancy and expensive,totally not my standard. Then,finally! God bless me! I found a chair. We sat down and I just lie my head on the table and closed my weary eyes. After that, we went for a walk again. We spent a long time at Sungei Wang again. Looked through all the boutiques and my mother and I just bought one shirt each. Damn! There were many good-looking clothes but the problem was there was no fitting room. Urgh... Couldn't try on those clothes. I wanted those korean type!!! We went back around 6.45pm. Guess what? We stuck on the road!!! Traffic jam...Totally wrong timing.... I took a nap in the car for around 20-30 mins. When I woke up, I still saw Timesquare in front of me! I thought we reached PJ already. Then, we were lost. My mother and sister gave the wrong direction to my dad. They were looking for PJ sign board. The sign board stated right but they said left,so my dad followed their instruction. In the end, we turned here and there and went back to KL.= =" Once again,I saw timesquare...Urgh!! Traffic jam everywhere. We missed the road again and again. Finally, we saw the Subang Jaya sign board and it was already 8 something. By the time we reached home,it was 8.45pm. God! 2 hours journey. Just sit LRT next time.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm Sorry,My Friend

    Firstly, I've to say that I'm sorry. I'd like to say in front of you but I don't have the guts. I'm a coward. You're my close friend who understands me well. However, I don't know why I can't apologize to you. You didn't tell me what's wrong but I could see that something's wrong. At school, you didn't talk to me. I tried to talk to you, but you seemed mad. It was like I was such a disgust to you. Was I? Or Am I? We had exam, so I took exam as an excuse. Maybe you were busy studying for exam,so you didn't have time to bother me. When I saw the look from your face, I know you were mad at me. Nope, still mad at me. I didn't know what I did that makes you ignore me. Till I saw the post. It was bout me? Surely it was. Who else? We used to be so close. Now, we were like strangers. It was my fault. I barely talk to you. Sorry,I can't tell you the reason. I want to remain our friendship,of course. Maybe I made you felt that I've neglected our friendship. But,no! Never! I still remember when you were there for me during those horrible times. You know what I mean. You were there to comfort me, shared with me and you knew me best. You knew how to comfort me. Those words were what I wanted to hear from. You gave me courage,support and you made me believed that I was right. You found my confidence. I almost collapsed that time, I always had negative thinking and I felt like jumping off the building. Suddenly, you were there at the right moment. You pulled my hand up and made me stood on my feet again. You were one of them who believed in me. You were the one who understood the whole situation. I found back my life and happiness. No, my life has changed. I changed. At first, I thought I've changed to a better person, a more cheerful person. Now, I feel like I'm an evil person. A failure who fails to maintain her friendship. A selfish person who doesn't care bout her friend.T.T How could I do this to you? And I didn't even realise it... I wish that you would've tell me. I don't mind. I'd glad if you tell me so I won't make bigger mistakes. Now,I've done it and we are apart. I suck! Sometimes, I didn't know what to talk to you. Last time, we could just start with any topic. Now is just awkward. I still can't find the reason. Life got harder and busier. The things around me seemed to surround me in thinnest midst. I kept focused on my stuff till I forgot to take a look at you. What a selfish person I am! Self....Haiz.... How I wish time could just fly back. Maybe I will realise it and fix it when there's a chance.  It's so difficult for me to make the see-saw balance. You're my friend and you're one side of the see-saw. But..there's other side that I've to take care of... I've imbalanced it. Now,you're ignoring me. Can I make it balance again? Can we be friends again? Can you accept my apology? I seriously do care bout you. If you're in a bad mood,I'll accompany you no matter how busy I am. That's what friends do,right? If you got anything, just please do tell me. I'm always here for you. Just spit it out! I really don't want to lose a good friend like you....