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Monday, December 24, 2012

Life in High School. Awww....( Part 1)

    I'm going to turn 18 soon. Finally graduated from high school. Sad. High school is the place where I start to grow up, get experience, do lots of new things, make new friends and lots more. High school is supposed to be fun. Yeah. There were lots of sad moments. However, happy most of the time. My favorite year is 2008 and 2012. When I was form 1, I was a newbie, don't know anything bout the school. I made new friends and I was immature. Everything was fine and peace. Form 2,3 and 4 was a disaster, I would say. Perhaps? Because all the sweet memories flashed back in my mind. I love those years too. Many Many things happened. Crazy and interesting experience I had during those years. Laughter and cries. Urgh, I feel awkward when I recall back about the moments I was crying in school. Form 5, hmm... Awesome year? Absolutely! I met awesome friends. I miss my classmates and schoolmates! Form 5 is definitely an unforgettable year although it was a busy year too. Full with curriculum activities, studies and fun! I was busy with SPBT most of the time, didn't get to spend my recess time with my friends. In class, I was busy finishing schoolwork. After school, I attended tuition or curricular activities. I attended tuition for 7 subject. Almost every day a week. Every day was fully-scheduled except weekend. Weekend was a time for rest. During the weekdays, I was busy from the morning until night. When I reached home, I was really exhausted. My friends kept watching drama, while I don't even have time to watch drama. I just watched those boring show from the TV.

        Did I waste my Form 5 with too much activities? I don't think so. I learned many stuff from those activities. I love the experience although I was a SUPER BUSY girl. I was a president, vice president, vice secretary, photographer and vice treasurer. I love being a photographer. Being a photographer, I skipped a few activities and I just kept snapping photos. LOVE IT! Snapped here and there though I was not in the photo. I barely ate my school's canteen's food. First, I wanted to stay fit. Second, I didn't like the food. Third, I will never miss the food there. Lol. I miss Lick Hung's food! My class was quite huge. However, I hate the construction just next to our block. So noisy and I hate the sound during exam. BANG! BANG! BANG! Get used to it after a few months. I like the place I sat during school exam. Sat close to the door and I could smell the scent of the fresh leaves. Kinda like green tea smell. I miss Gazebo too! The place where we used to gossip, laugh, study and do our work. I hate the mosquito there. Whenever I sat in Gazebo, there must be a mosquito sucking my blood out from my leg. I kept feeling itchy throughout the years in high school. Mosquito mosquito everywhere.

       The field? Hmm...What is that? Nothing la. Barely exercise though. Just did those QM stuff on the field. Ohya! That was the place to watch long legs. Hah! Some know what I meant. The toilet? Hmm. I "married" with Yiming there when we were form 1. Am I right? Ahh..Bad memory. We "divorced" though. Haha. And yea, I remembered my friends kept others' shoes when they went in the toilet. Mei was always the one been bullied by us. Too bad la. We played badminton on the court when we were much younger. The Physic lab, hmm...No experiment, just listened to what teacher taught. Did I listen? Barely I guess. So boring man... I dislike Physic by the way. I used to sit with Bamboo and talked all kinds of stuff. Chemistry Lab, hmm... Experiment experiment experiment... Many failure,I guess. Biology Lab, duh.... Most boring of them all. Barely any experiment. Just jot down notes and blaaaa.. Science Lab when I was form 3, I guess, talked bout reproduction with Yiming. I still remember what I said. Haha. Class, too much to say. I'll just keep it in my mind. I think that's all? Kinda lazy to type everything out.

To be continued.... (11.52pm. It's christmas eve. Alone and going to sleep.)

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