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Friday, September 30, 2011

Just be Yourself

Why you wanna care bout what other people say bout you? Does it matter to you? Really matter, that important? Does it affect you?

No,you shouldn't. Just be yourself. That's the answer.

Well,human got a gift, that is a mouth to gossip. It's not wrong to gossip.We gossip bout each other. Good and bad. Everyone heard bout bad and good gossips bout them. Some will get hurt, depressed while some ignore. You think: why do they wanna gossip bout you? Is it because of your attitude really got problem or they just gossip to please themselves. If you realise that you're the problem, you should change as they said. Don't take it with a pull face, accept it optimistically. It might be a good start. Change yourself to be a better person. Prove them! You can do it! There's one thing, you don't need to do everything as they mentioned because you might just want them to accept you. It means you're changing for them, but not for yourself. It's WRONG WRONG WRONG! It brings no benefits to you. You change yourself so you can accept YOU! If you think they are over, well, just ignore them. Ignore what they said. Does it really matter to you?

Of course you'll feel sad when your friends gossip bout you behind your back, unsatisfied what've you done. So what? If you think you're right and you're not that over, so, just be yourself. Maybe the problem is not from you, but from other people.Everyone got different opinion. Sometime, we just need to accept it. Remember, don't get affected by what they say to you. Protect your emotions and your heart. When you see them whispering or hear bout what they said, just give a smile. If you wanna live, you must smile. One day, they will accept you. True friends will only accept you, the real person. Don't cry, be a big girl who doesn't cry. You must learn to think mature. Please yourself first before you please other people.

Ps: You live for yourself, you don't live for other people.

Friday, September 23, 2011

True Friend

A friend who is willing to stay by your side.
A friend who is willing to hear everything bout you, know every single detail.
A friend who never leaves you.
A friend who always trust you.
A friend who supports you forever.
A friend who helps you when you're in trouble.
A friend who never ditch you.
A friend who never backstab.
A friend who will never gossip behind your back.
A friend who will never leave you when you are facing difficulties.
A friend who is willing to sacrifice.
A friend who is willing to stand out for you.
A friend who pulls you out from the darkness.
A friend who guides you.
A friend who teaches you what is wrong and right.
A friend who teaches you what to do.
A friend who teaches you the right thing.
A friend who accepts your opinion.
A friend who accepts your criticize.
A friend who shares opinion.
A friend who shares secrets.
A friend who keep your secrets.
A friend who looks for you.
A friend who cares bout you.
A friend who wipes away your tears.
A friend who loves your smile.
A friend who makes you smile.
A friend who lend you a shoulder.
A friend who holds your hand.
A friend who calms you down.
A friend who fights for you.
A friend who chats with you every day.
A friend who plays together.
A friend who works with you.
A friend who helps you to clean up the mess.
A friend who loves you.

That is called a TRUE FRIEND....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The story of us

 Ps: This is not bout me.

The story of us is end when you're not a part in it. Once you step out,it's the past. I know it's the end. Still, I want the story of us to be continued.

Our story used to be interesting. Everyone admired us. Jealous of us. They felt happy for us. They smiled at us. Now, they are all gone. The story of us filled with happiness, sweet memories, unforgettable memories, memories that I want to hold tightly in my palms and my heart. Your heart used to be there too, but your heart left. Mine is still there. Never leave. Although mine wants to leave, but can't bear to leave. Struggling to leave. When the foot steps out, it pace back again. Standing on the same position. I don't want to let go them. Don't want to forget the story of us. The awesome story of us... Used to be... 

When I close my eyes, the story of us flash back in my mind......Flipping every pages.. Every details is on my mind... Not a single thing miss out. When the pages keep flipping on their own, my tears also flow on their own....Eyes become swollen and cheeks turn red. I used to it....It's one of my habit. I prefer crying than forgetting all those memories.  I really don't want to cross them out, do you understand? They might not meant anything to you, but they meant a lot to me. You left me,it's your choice. I can't control it. Bout this decision to manage the story of us, it's my decision. You don't have the rights to ask me to forget bout it. You don't need to care bout me. It's my own business. I'm not a thing to you anymore!

I really want to hate you. Hate for loving you so deep. How can you steal my heart at first then you throw it away at last? I hate you. But I love you too. I love the way you stole my heart at the first place. I hate the way you threw away my heart at last. My heart is not a toy, it's my heart,you know? It's precious. When you decide to take away my heart, you should take care of it and protect it. You shouldn't destroy it....How dare you destroy it? I really wanna slap you in the face hard, you bastard! I also want to hug you so badly, begging you not to leave me, but I know it's useless. You don't love me anymore when you decide to build a barrier.

I miss you so badly,do you know? It's very difficult for me to end the story of us. Wait,it's actually end. It's just me, still standing there. One day, I still need to step out. I'm doing it now.. Stepping out. I don't want to say bye. But,my heart ask me to do it, it's a must. Bye,love...

*Tears rolling down while closing the album" The Story Of Us".

Awesome artists!

I love music! I straight away fall in love with a song when I listen to the melody. Beautiful melody brings good mood. There a few singers I like the most.

 Bruno Mars for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE HIS SONG!!!!!!!!! SUPER AWESOME!!!! Well, I love all his songs. Gosh! How he sing all those songs? It's so awesome! A great male artist!

The next singer is Adele. She's not as pretty as other female artist. So what? Her voice is special and great. I love the "Rolling in Deep". Gosh! Incredible song! Straight away fall in love! The giraffe don't know how to enjoy her voice....Cheh! At least there are Yee and Ming are Adele's freaks too. Haha! Good taste!.
Lady Antebellum is an awesome band too. The girl is pretty. Haha! I know them when I listened to their song "Need You Now". Oh gosh! They rock and the song rock! Not only that song. There's a few song are quite good! "Just a kiss"!
Band Perry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna kiss Band Perry! "If I die Young" really grabs my heart! I love that song for quite a long time already. Damn it! I wanna own that song! It's mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the lyrics too!
Well, there's a female actress I really like a lot! She's really pretty and she has a great body line. Freaking thin. Nice outlook. That is......
Nina Dobrev is pretty,right? Not only that,she's gorgeous and hot. She really can be a vampire. Giraffe! See! She's pretty!!!!!!!!! Way prettier than Fala Chen. Guys, watch her in vampire diaries!!!!

If Bruno Mars,Adele, Band Perry and Lady Antebellum are having a concert together. That will be freaking damn awesome. I'll be the first to buy the ticket! Haha! Love them all~~~

Friday, September 16, 2011


Life is nothing.
Life is everything.
Life can be perfect on the surface. But is it everything perfect?
How I wish mine is perfect, fun, interesting, wonderful and colourful.
Unfortunately, mine is not. Sigh...
Last time,I had been thinking to end my life. Just crossed it.
Everything will be the end.
Nope,it won't be.
I mean,yes,it's the end. But, what is the point?
Nobody will cry. Nobody will pity. Some may laugh or ignore.
Life may be suck, unhappy, unwanted. 
We can change,transform it. It's up to us. Whether you wanna do it or not.
Well, I'm doing it. Trying to make it better.
It suits me. I feel awesome. I feel the real me.
I'm reborn!
Seriously, life can change. It's so different compared to last time.
Life keep changing every day, every single minute.
We just need to face it no matter what.
It depends how u face it.
You can't get the life exactly what you want.
There will be circumstance and difficulties.
We need to take a sword and just stab through "them". They will be gone after all.
Still, we need to smile and go on....