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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The 1st blog!

I'm thinking whether having blog is the right choice for me. I'm so bored nowadays.I have ntg to do except blogging???Oh ya,fbin n msn... I just wanna spit out everything that kept in my brain. I read a story,she said:Ytd,my brain was spinning,my heart was aching. I saw a fool stood infront of me,he crossed his hands across his chests. His eyes moved to the left and to the right,but never looked infront. I was standing infront of him. He was sweating,he've no idea what is goin to happen next. He could feel his heart bounced  every minute,every second. He wished he could take a move,but he never did as usual. He wanted to talk to her so badly, but his body frozen, he sighed..I sighed too,and walked away,never look back. The end. I was thinking why the guy is so useless,boys should take a move if nt their love ones'll kena rampas by others.

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