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Thursday, October 28, 2010

She needs your help

Don't you know that her life is miserable and pathetic? You know it! But,you ignore! Why you left her alone? Do you know that she is waiting for you? You idiot! You want to help her,you want to lend your shoulder,but you didn't because you afraid that she might reject you..You are a coward,evil shameful guy! You loves her,you didn't tell her,but she knows. When her friends needs you,you go for them. When she needs you, you just stand there and do nothing. Her heart breaks,she wants to let you go,but she decides to give u one more chance again and again...Unfortunately,you make her down every time. She didn't spit it out, she kept it in her heart because she is afraid that you might be sad. Since you love her,why don't you tell her and let her know how you feel. Maybe she'll tell you the same thing too. At least you should take a chance,if not there'll be no chance for you next time. When you are regret,it's too late,because she'll never turn back. Appreciate the people you love and don't let them go...Spend more time to be with them,it's worth it.

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