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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ugly Truth

Truth is ugly. Some of them are gorgeous too. Yeah, just the nice ones. Who likes ugly truth? There's no one,right? I don't either. Totally don't. Sometime, I prefer living in the midst, wishing that I'll never know the truth. Wishing them not to tell me. Can I just listen to beautiful truths? So that I'll be happy every time. So that I won't depress. So that my heart won't die. Unfortunately, My heart died once. You prefer either lie or truth? Well, I prefer the truth. I hate lies. I hate liars. Those liars... I won't forgive those who lied to me, who hurt me deeply. Can't they just tell me truth? Wait. I prefer not knowing anything. Just don't tell me anything. I don't want to listen. Close both of my ears with both palms. Just leave me alone, ugly truth. Please go away as far as you can. Just fly... I give you freedom, you can go now. Please don't come back again. I had enough. No more. Ugly truth and lie are the same. They are from the same family, ugly and hurt people. They carry a knife with them and stab people anytime. Yeah, they stabbed my heart many time till it out of breath. That's the reason I prefer staying in a dark alone. I'm not afraid of being alone. In fact, I feel safe and protective. At least I can breathe. They have a black heart inside them, cold and evil. What happen when you listen to ugly truth? Cry? Unbelievable? Ugly truths are totally unbelievable. But there is a truth beside ugly. So,yeah, it's true. We gotta believe and accept it no matter what. We can't change the fact. So,just accept for one day. The next day, just forget bout it, throw it into the bin. Cross it in your mind. Slashhhhhhhhh it! No matter what, we still need to go on. So,don't get affected by those ugly truths for long. It's pointless.

Bye, ugly truths...

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