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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Genting trip with my lovely friends(6-7 nov)

I couldn't sleep the day before went to genting because I was worrying bout something important. I laid on the bed for 7 hours doing nothing except opened my eyes and closed my eyes again,forcing me to enter the dream. But,it failed. When I saw the blue sky,I knew it was time to wake up. I was excited because I did not need to waste time to wait already.On the other hand,I was worried too,I guess my friends know the reasons. Fortunately, everything was fine.Phew! We cheered afterthat! Haha..Ohya,we forgot to bring champagne. I was extremely exhausted,but I managed to open my eyes. Haha! Mei Yee almost slept beside me. She almost froze to death. She should bring 4 jackets,but she didn't. Duh! Anyway,it was almost late when we reached there. People walked around like millions of ants running around to search for food. I was lucky when I was playing the "flying boat" because the little cute girl didn't sit behind me! If not,my eardrum will burst! Haha..Kesian ming....Anyway, 6 games for 44 bucks!!! It was a waste,man! My money flew away..T.T Haiz..Forget bout it la. I want to go again!!! I thought I prayed the God,hoped it wouldn't rain tat day,but water dripping on the floor the whole night. Ming,Jo,Yee & Mei!!! Stop forcing me to eat la! Haha! It was just a muffin! Share la! Share is caring! Mei,just throw that piece of chicken into ur mouth la,don't need to use fork and knife la since it was so difficult. Aiyo! I missed ice cream. I didn't eat at all! Sei leng lui and those 2 little girls didn't belanja me! I won the most leh!! You owe me! Remember it. Stupid giraffe topless after bathed. Why don't you naked? Since it was windy. Air-dry,.hor??? I think the bodyguard will remember our pretty face because we used the lift for hundreds of time. We went up and down,people around there shot a curious look to us. Maybe they thought youngsters nowadays are insane. Ohya,I won't forgot that kid! Haha! We forgot to say bye to that kid la. That night was freaking cold. Mei yee took 3 quarter of the blanket. I was giggling almost the whole night,tooth clenching,hands clenching into fists,muscle struggling to form heat inside my body and my foot rubbed against each other. Thanks to ming,jo and yee because they woke up. So,everyone also woke up. I rose to my feet to reach for my towel and covered it over my body. Jie Jie really slept well,I could hear the breathing sound. We were so lucky to sleep on the bed. The others really stupid la because they chose to sleep on the floor..Kaka! Was it fun to sleep on the floor.I wished I could step on the 2 little"girls". Jie Jie is the "rampas blanket queen" la! Haha! Kesian them. Afterthat,we slept again. Mei yee opened her eyes at 7.15a.m. I looked at the window,blue sky appeared. I decided to wake up then. Mei yee and I whispered all the way to the bathroom. We didn't want to wake them up because they hardly slept. When we opened the tap water,we also need to close the door. Unfortunately, they woke up too. I guess yee already froze to death because she was sitting on the cushion,she didn't expect that way will be worse than sleeping on the floor. I have a habit that is I won't use hair dryer after bathe. I'll just let it air-dry,let the water evaporated by the air,disappeared into the atmosphere. So,giraffe,don't force me to rub my hair la,If you want my hair to be dry,rub it yourself la.I want to play my cards la.Haha! Ming,I love to bully Jo,the tigress leh. Let's bully her again! Jo,I want that spongebob' butt! It's square! LOL!  I think Yee can act as a ghost. She sat on the cushion in the middle of the night. When I opened my eyes,I saw a black shadow at the corner. At 1st,I wondered what was that,then I looked deeper.Owh,It was Xing Yee,then I continued to sleep again. We had cup mee for breakfast on the 2nd day. I ate kimchi mee. It was kinda spicy. We played cards again in the morning....3 of YOU OWE ME!!! U all really played the basketball until SIAO already. I almost lost my voice after sitting the roller-coaster. I shouldn't have scream so much. Jie jie must be thought that we were annoying. The wind almost killed me,gosh! It was so strong,almost blew my head off. Luckily,I didn't tie my hair,if not I will just locked myself in the room. Hey! Don't simply say hi to people la.It's weird because I didn't know you at all. I miss that giraffe monkey and that fat monkey! Haha! I want to visit them. I missed this trip! LET'S GO AGAIN!

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