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Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1

I watched "Breaking Dawn Part 1" for twice. First time was when I watched it with my friends last friday. Last Saturday, I watched again with my sister as we got two free tickets in MBO. I was quite excited when I stepped in the cinema. It's Breaking Dawn! I read all the books. The story is fascinating. I knew the movie is going to be not as interesting as the book. Still, I wanna watch it, very badly. Bella was so pretty in this movie. Freaking pretty. I love her hairstyle when she was trying the white high heels which was meant for her wedding. It was so cool. I love her high heels too! Awww. She was glowing, I love her eyes and her legs. Skinny and long. She was so slim! I don't like Edward's hairstyle. It made him looked old. Eww.. I love the wedding scene. The setting and everything was awesome. Gosh,I love the decoration. It's my dream bout wedding. My wedding gotta be like that though I never think bout my marriage. Champagne, dance,music, decoration and good-looking people especially pretty girls! LOL! I prefer Bella's first wedding dress with those blood stains on it. Lol. I mean it would look nicer without the blood stains,of course. The second wedding dress was too simple. I always mix up Bella's mum and Edward's mum. They looked 90% similar. When Bella was walking down the aisle, that is where the touching part begins. Her dress smoothening the aisle, holding a bouquet of flowers, swallowing the lump in her throat, high heels pounding on the floor, love music playing with its rhythm, adding love to the atmosphere. Lastly, she saw her prince, Edward, she flashed a slight smile and walked towards him. Facing him with those glistening eyes, both watched each other in delight. Nervous. Saying "I do" in front of everyone. End it with a long kiss.

          Well,their honeymoon is honeymoon. Nothing special. After the first night means they had sex already, Edward avoided from touching Bella. Running away from her no matter what Bella did. After that, Bella found out that she was pregnant after she ate a raw chicken meat. Vomit... Edward shocked. Then, they went back to their home. Carlisle checked on her but he had no idea to save her. Edward wanted that "thing" out but Bella wanted to keep the foetus. Nope, her baby.  The wolf pack aim for Bella, they wanted to kill her when they knew bout the baby. Jacob was frustrated when she got the baby. But Jacob decided to protect Bella when the wolf pack went for her. Bella lacked of blood,she became thinner, weak and weird with her big fake tummy. Then, she gave birth to her baby. She died because lack of blood. The movie didn't show how the baby came out. It just suddenly appear in Rosalie's arms. Edward was depressed for sure. The wolf pack went to their house. The vampires fight with the wolves. Till Jacob jumped out and said:"If you kill her,you kill me". Then,the wolves back off. Lol. The part where Bella laid on the bed, she looked like a skeleton nor a drug addict. Gosh! Super damn skinny. The movie end with Bella opened her eyes. Her eyes were red. That's all. Quite disappointed bout it as always. What to expect? Sigh.... Bella and Edward kept kissing from the beginning till the end. I didn't pay to watch them kiss, I paid to watch the interesting part. I just hoped that part 2 will be nicer. Though it gonna be disappointing.

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