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Monday, November 14, 2011

Genting with Mei Yee! Tada!

Mei Yee, my family and I went to genting by car straight up to the resort. The mist was everywhere, totally surrounding us. It was raining that moment. Luckily it was not that heavy. Thank God. Before that, the rain was so heavy in KL and my dad actually wanted to cancel it. We waited in the petrol station for the rain to stop. Once it stopped, we move on our journey but it rained  and stopped again. What a weather. Then, Mei yee and I separated once we reached there. We went to the ticket counter to buy ticket but we couldn't buy it as it was raining outside, so we had to wait for the rain to stop. Then, we went to BUM CITY for shopping. Both of us bought a ring. Actually, we wanna buy a present for bamboo,but we failed to find it. I forgot to buy a cap again. LOL. After that, we made a beeline towards the ticket counter again. Finally, we bought the outdoor theme park ticket and got 10% discount as I borrow my mum's world card.

        When we took the escalator, we saw the outside was totally blurred, mist was everywhere. Our first reaction is: OMG! Nevermine, we bought the ticket already, we just have to play. Our first game was the tea cup. There were a few people queue up, so we just hop in. Then, the second one is the merry-go-round with those horses on it. LOL. We didn't know what to play,so we just joined in and ride on the fake horses. We were just like small kids,haha. We ride the antique car which we had to press the button to move the car on the railway. I forgot the fourth game which is the children ride la. Not important. Haha. After that, we made our way to the pirate ship once it was opened. When we were queuing up for the pirate ship, almost all the games were opened already because the rain has stopped. When we were riding the pirate ship, we screamed as usual, competing with the opposite ones. Then, we made our way to the spinner. Before that, we wanna have a ride on the cyclone but it was closed. Haiz.. After the spinner, we made a beeline towards the corkscrew which is the 360 degree roller coaster. I forced Mei Yee to go with me. That was her first time had a ride on the corkscrew. She was so nervous and kept taking several deep breaths while I kept convincing her not to be afraid, it would be fun and she will want to play again for the second time. She said she trusted me this time, so yeah, she went on. Haha. When we were going up, she was so damn freaking nervous beside me. I ask her what is the definisi of kepercayaan kepada tuhan, amanah, harga diri and bertanggungjawab. When we were about to go down, she said she forgot the definisi of bertanggungjawab. Then, we just went down.....Just non-stop screaming all the way till the end. She didn't even open her eyes and her heart almost pop out. Haha. However, she dare to try for the second time. She said she don't want to trust me anymore. Haha.When we wanted to ride for the second time, too bad there were too many people lining up. So, we went to the flume ride. Fortunately, there were just a few people lining up. The boat was filled up with water. When the boat was moving, we took a few photos. When the boat was going up, Mei Yee kept saying OMG! OMG! OMG! When the boat was about to slide down, the water flush forward and filled up Mei Yee's shoes. Then,we went down with a splash and got totally wet. Mei Yee said :Sher Fern's games are always like that. Hmph! Lol. I really like these kind of games. Fascinating. We were shivering on the way to the second slide as we were wet and the wind was blowing towards us. So, once again we were moving up the longer slide, we kept saying OMG! OMG! OMG! till the hill. Mei Yee asked me whether she could scream or not. Then I said: "Yes, you can." Then, we screamed, gripped the bar tightly way down with a bigger splash. That moment, our clothes got wetter. That was fun, I said to her. She pulled a face.
      After that,we went to the food court for lunch. We ate sizzling hot pan yee mee. I started to get tired as I didn't have enough sleep. After the lunch, we went for flying dragon. We waited for 30 minuted until we got our turn. 5 super hyper girls were queuing in front of us. They took photos with different post and asked me to help them to take. I called them " the Flying Dragon girls". I remembered Yiming and Yee didn't dare to sit with me last time as they were afraid that my bones would crack. This time, Mei Yee sat with me. When the Flying Dragon was turning, Mei Yee bang me and got my bones "crack". Haha. Not crack lah. Just a hit. After that, we went for the boating. Two small kids cut our line and rampas our boat! How dare?! They should respect us as we are the elder ones. Cheh! We kept saying their bad words behind their back as their don't understand chinese. LOL. Then, we planned to revenge and memorise their's boat number which is 18. Unfortunately, our boat was the teruk one, the thing on it couldn't function. So, we had to think how to get back. We kept cycling backwards while the others cycled forward as our boat could only function backwards.We failed to revenge. My legs were wobbling and sore that time. Once we got to our feet, I was panting. After that, we went to the pirate ship again. Twice. So, we ride the pirate ship for three times in total. We saw a pretty girl who stood behind us. Goddamn, she is so pretty though she make up. But her make up was natural. Mei Yee and I non-stop looking at her like perverts. LOL. Mei Yee and I non stop screaming in the pirate ship. Well, fake scream. The ones who sat opposite were not active enough. I was the one who screamed first, then the others screamed. When the ship was about to stop, I still argh...... Then, we played the spinner again. 3 times continuously because less people played that. We played it for five times in total. Our head also spin already.  Then,we went for the astro fighter because we didn't know what to play already. Then, we took a few pictures here and there. Too bad,dinosaur land  was closed. After that, we just went back at 6.30pm. That's all. Slept in the car.

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