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Monday, December 6, 2010

Boy's jealousy

Jonathan began to realize that his heart is filled with jealousy. He met a girl, Melinda in his secondary school, they studied in the same class. He was so excited when he found out that he could study with her at the same time. He liked Melinda a lot, so did everyone. Melinda was a popular queen at school, boys were falling from the tree for her. When he saw Melinda was chatting with the boys and smiling at them, he felt his heart ached. His face immediately fell, maybe he was jealous. Melinda was a honey, the boys were the bees. They would stick to her everywhere and every time. They were like bodyguards trying to protect her from sudden attack. In fact, Jonathan was left behind in the queue, he felt depressed because he knew Melinda wouldn't fall for him. He tried every opportunity to talk to her, but hid body will begin to tremble when he approached her, sweats were dripping over his nose. When the seat beside her was empty, he had the rush to step in front and sit next to her. Before he made the move, other guy appeared on the seat already. Watching them giggling and talking to each other, he had the urge to push that guy away and tell him that the seat was belong to him. Of course he wouldn't do that, he just watched them with a pang of jealousy and sighed. During recess, he punched the wall for being such a coward. What else he could do,what a stupid guy, there's no need to hurt himself. 3/7/2010 08:45:50, he remembered the date, the time, the minute and the second so well because miracle happened. Melinda wanted to borrow his workbook, he stared at her eyes in disbelief, then his head hung down, his eyes were fixed on the ground, his hands were trembling, his foot were frozen, he couldn't move. "Jonathan?",Melinda called his name. "Er,yeah?",Jonathan said. " Didn't you hear what I said just now?" "Oh! I did. Erm, here it is."Jonathan handed the workbook. Melinda said thank you and smiled. He smiled back. That was the first time she smiled at him. "oh god! I can't breathe!",he thought. His heart was thumping fast, he felt dizzy that he almost faint, butterflies were flying above his head. He put his chin on his hand, he could only see her in his eyes from the distance, not allowed anybody to go in. "Gosh, you're beautiful."he whispered. He looked like a pervert or an idiot sitting on his chair, his mind was somewhere else, not in the class for sure. He closed his eyes, smiling stupidly, imagining something. What a freak. He wanted to post: "Melinda talked to me in my class! I mean ours!" in facebook. But, if he post this, he would be killed by millions of bees. He hate those bees. He wanted to be a flower that had the most handsome and protective petals, so that Melinda as the honey could stay in his heart and he wanted to protect her from those bees

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