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Monday, December 24, 2012

Life in High School. Awww....( Part 1)

    I'm going to turn 18 soon. Finally graduated from high school. Sad. High school is the place where I start to grow up, get experience, do lots of new things, make new friends and lots more. High school is supposed to be fun. Yeah. There were lots of sad moments. However, happy most of the time. My favorite year is 2008 and 2012. When I was form 1, I was a newbie, don't know anything bout the school. I made new friends and I was immature. Everything was fine and peace. Form 2,3 and 4 was a disaster, I would say. Perhaps? Because all the sweet memories flashed back in my mind. I love those years too. Many Many things happened. Crazy and interesting experience I had during those years. Laughter and cries. Urgh, I feel awkward when I recall back about the moments I was crying in school. Form 5, hmm... Awesome year? Absolutely! I met awesome friends. I miss my classmates and schoolmates! Form 5 is definitely an unforgettable year although it was a busy year too. Full with curriculum activities, studies and fun! I was busy with SPBT most of the time, didn't get to spend my recess time with my friends. In class, I was busy finishing schoolwork. After school, I attended tuition or curricular activities. I attended tuition for 7 subject. Almost every day a week. Every day was fully-scheduled except weekend. Weekend was a time for rest. During the weekdays, I was busy from the morning until night. When I reached home, I was really exhausted. My friends kept watching drama, while I don't even have time to watch drama. I just watched those boring show from the TV.

        Did I waste my Form 5 with too much activities? I don't think so. I learned many stuff from those activities. I love the experience although I was a SUPER BUSY girl. I was a president, vice president, vice secretary, photographer and vice treasurer. I love being a photographer. Being a photographer, I skipped a few activities and I just kept snapping photos. LOVE IT! Snapped here and there though I was not in the photo. I barely ate my school's canteen's food. First, I wanted to stay fit. Second, I didn't like the food. Third, I will never miss the food there. Lol. I miss Lick Hung's food! My class was quite huge. However, I hate the construction just next to our block. So noisy and I hate the sound during exam. BANG! BANG! BANG! Get used to it after a few months. I like the place I sat during school exam. Sat close to the door and I could smell the scent of the fresh leaves. Kinda like green tea smell. I miss Gazebo too! The place where we used to gossip, laugh, study and do our work. I hate the mosquito there. Whenever I sat in Gazebo, there must be a mosquito sucking my blood out from my leg. I kept feeling itchy throughout the years in high school. Mosquito mosquito everywhere.

       The field? Hmm...What is that? Nothing la. Barely exercise though. Just did those QM stuff on the field. Ohya! That was the place to watch long legs. Hah! Some know what I meant. The toilet? Hmm. I "married" with Yiming there when we were form 1. Am I right? Ahh..Bad memory. We "divorced" though. Haha. And yea, I remembered my friends kept others' shoes when they went in the toilet. Mei was always the one been bullied by us. Too bad la. We played badminton on the court when we were much younger. The Physic lab, hmm...No experiment, just listened to what teacher taught. Did I listen? Barely I guess. So boring man... I dislike Physic by the way. I used to sit with Bamboo and talked all kinds of stuff. Chemistry Lab, hmm... Experiment experiment experiment... Many failure,I guess. Biology Lab, duh.... Most boring of them all. Barely any experiment. Just jot down notes and blaaaa.. Science Lab when I was form 3, I guess, talked bout reproduction with Yiming. I still remember what I said. Haha. Class, too much to say. I'll just keep it in my mind. I think that's all? Kinda lazy to type everything out.

To be continued.... (11.52pm. It's christmas eve. Alone and going to sleep.)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bukit Gambang Resort City Trip with 12 retards! ^^

What a special day. 12.12.12! Kaka! Awesome! Awesome! Woke up in the early dawn, dressed myself up and prepared to have fun! Reached Yee's house around 7.10a.m. Emme and Jo were there too. Soon,everyone had finally arrived and made our way to Bukit Gambang Resort City. The van was really big. It was a 12-seater van. Noises filled up the atmosphere. Kesian the driver had to fetch 12 retards all the way to Bukit Gambang for four hours. I bet he was annoyed, but who cares. Haha. We ate pau that we ordered from Yee's mum for breakfast in the van. Some of us slept in the van. However, Ann was always the one who wake us up. Carrying his smelly booster, sniffing it made us felt sick. Couldn't he take it out when he reach Gambang? Why must take it out at the first place? Haha. Feel like chopping it into pieces. Whenever he saw camera, he got ready and posed with a huge smile on his face. Camwhore.... Some of them even played cards in the van.

       We had lunch in a chinese kopitiam. Chicken Rice. Finally, we reached Bukit Gambang Resort City at 1pm. We came down from the van, looked around Bukit Gambang and checked in the resort. Settled ourselves and it was time to get wet in the Water Park. We took the tram to the Water Park and saw many people queuing up. 90% malay, I guess. Took group photos everywhere. I seriously like group photos. I wanna print those! We made our way to the counter and exchanged water park tickets. Collected 6 double tubes. Everyone applied sunblock everywhere, nobody wants to become tanned right. First, we got wet in the Glacier River.Mei and I shared a double tube. The water in the river got deeper and deeper. The artificial waves were huge and it blew us away. Cameraman took a few picture of us but I ignored him. Next, we went for the slide. First, Galaxy Slide, Crystal Slide and 6 lane racer. We climbed up the stairs till we become exhausted. However, it was fun. Galaxy Slide was totally dark. It made our heart pumping through the slide. Then,we went for the Family Raft Slide which was the longest slide. 6 people sat together. It was fascinating. I like Family Raft slide the most. We played the slides twice before we made our way to Coco Beach. Struggling to made our way to above 1.5m. In the end, we did. Jun helped us crossed over. Many people were on the tube struggled to get rid of kicking other people. Too many people there. I accidentally kicked a few people. Opps! After that, we went for the Glacier River again. Stupid Ann lifted my tube up and I fell to the ground, my knee knocked onto the ground with a thud. I yelped in pain and slowly walked up and left Glacier River. Luckily, I didn't fall in the deep area. In the end, we went to play in the penguin island with the kids around. We let the water splashed onto us. Swings in the water. Nice.

      We took a shower when we went back to our rooms. And it was time for dinner. There was no cafe in the Carribean Resort so we walked outside to the malay restaurant 15 minutes away from the resort. We had fried rice, maggi goreng, egg and so on. The eggs were so oily. After dinner, we went back to our resort and played cards. Ming got fever and I took care of her. Stupid baby girl. Don't know how to take care herself. Maybe she used up her craziness too soon. Must save some energy ma. Then,we went to sleep.

      I woke up at 7.32a.m in the next morning. Time to make wake up call. We had buffet breakfast in Carribean Coffee House. After that, we went jungle trekking. The jungle was located next to Carribean Resort. Just cross the road and there it is. We paid RM5 each. We followed the malay guy through the jungle. The track was quite narrow with lots of trees, plants and leaves. We had to cross over many tree barks with black ants running around. After 30-40 minutes, we took a rest and made our way back to our resort again. Emme, Jo, Yee, Hong, Ann and Wei took a swim in the pool. Mei, Ming, Jun, Sheng, Neng and I went back to our room and had a simple lunch. Then,we played cards in the room. Neng kept screaming like a mad monkey. Luckily, no one complained. Haha. The others who went to swim just now had a nap while it was our turn to swim in the pool. Many kids were there. The water was dirty too.After swimming, we decided to have dinner at the same place again. Then, Neng, Sheng, Mei, Ming, Jun and I had a ride in the horse carriage. We paid rm10 each. Not worth it though, just a round around the resort. I thought the horse cycled the whole Bukit Gambang. But, nope. I rather ride on a horse, not in the horse carriage. However, it was a fun trip, so I didn't mind. We got to take photos with the horse and touched the horse. The skin was like leather and the hair was like a broom. We named it "Oreo". Haha. Then,we went back to our room again and played cards together. We celebrated Yee, Jo, Sheng and Neng's bday. On the way to Gambang, Ming and I bought a simple swiss roll cake. We put some love letter chocolate roll on it because we didn't have candles. We forced them to swallow big pieces of cake. Then, everyone got to eat the cake too except me. Kaka! We made our own story by taking turn. Spit a few words and made a funny and interesting story. And it was time to go to bed...Aww, gonna go back home tomorrow.

       It was the 3rd day finally! Haiz.... Sobz... Time really flies like a bullet train. Woke up and packed our things. Ming, Neng, Jun and I went to eat buffet breakfast. Last minute went there and the workers were cleaning up already. However, we got to take a few types of food. After breakfast, we packed up our bags and checked out the resort. The van had arrived and we took a final group photo before we said goodbye to Bukit Gambang Resort City.

PS: 12 is a lucky number for us. 12 people.12.12.12. 12-seater van. Gathered at Yee's house which her house number is 12. 12 beds.12 cups.12 teaspoons. ^^


Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm back!!!

Finally! I open my blog account! I've no idea what to write. Now is just about exams and something...yeah. Something. My trial is on the way and I'm sitting on my chair, tapping on the keyboard. Duh...Just relaxing. Believe me,I know I'm smart.><  However, I not yet finish studying. This is crazy. I just feel like sleeping right now. It's raining. Sleepy* Yawn* No mood to study la! Screw exam! NO! Wait! Screw my phone! So distracting! I have to score in my exam! MUST! ISH! Screw internet! Screw Wi-Fi! Gosh!! Just let me study in peace right now! I'm falling in love with Taeyang! He is so handsome when he smiles!!! He attracts me!!! >< I love his smile! Hah! His smile can make a girl's heart fall to him. LOL! I love his voice!! What a heartthrob! EEEEE!! >< Ice cream.... Where's my ice cream?!!! My house only left biscuits. SIEN! Nothing to eat.. Nevermind.... back to sejarah text book.....

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Problem

        What are we thinking? What are we doing? Once again, we repeat the same thing. You got mad for the same thing while I got mad for the same thing too. Every week, we've to repeat this kind of "war". The first day is perfect..Then, it got worse...I don't know what to say to you now. When I look at you, there's a lot of thing hide deep down inside me. I wanna spit it out, but I choose to close my mouth in the end. I don't how to start and where to begin. I'm afraid you might avoid my question. I'm afraid that I make the wrong decision to spit it out. I'm afraid our situation got even worse. I don't want to regret my decision. So, I choose to keep my mouth shut. Am I too over? I don't know what to do. Today, I wanted to make my step and talk to you. However, when I reached there, you didn't look at me, you didn't tell me what happen and what to do. I just stood there like an idiot. I gave up and just walked away from your area. People ask me, I replied them don't know because I really don't know. You are the only one who knows bout everything. Me? Just a fake name who has know nothing about it. I felt bad. I wanted to help, you know? If you didn't want, you could just push me away. Don't force yourself to keep me.

        You talked to me, I really didn't want to talk to you that moment. I was so mad. Somehow, I wished you talk to me. You did but I pushed you away. I upset you, I know. Sorry. I wanted to be happy again. I wanted to solve the problem. When I am mad, I can't do anything well. In the end, I disappointed my partner. Darn! I shouldn't have involve her. I should focus and do my part. When they called out your name, I got distracted. I felt like crying because I didn't know what to do. I hoped someone could drag me out. Of course, I want you to be the one. I needed comfort. We've been through the same thing over and over again. We've explained to each other endlessly.  My answer is still the same. You should know who you are. We've promised each other that time. That promise. Can you just keep it in mind? Please don't forget. If you do, there will be another situation like this.

PS: I'm Sorry.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sweet Latte

      There we are. Sitting next to each other and sharing a cup of latte. The one we like the most. Katy and Leon. Sitting next to each other is better than sitting face-to-face. Leon stands a chance to hold Katy's hand while Katy likes the way he holds her hand. Warm and lovely. Sitting next to him, she feels protected. Putting his arm around her as if she's belong to him. No one can harm her then. Just both of them in their own sweet world. Sipping the latte, filling her lips with the sweet taste of latte. The bittersweet aroma tickles her nose and makes her demand for more.

      That cup of latte reminds them every bits of memories. Their memories. They prefer sharing the same cup of latte. Sipping one by one. Let the foam lined across the lips. Wiping away the foam for each other. Still smiling in the sweetest way. Order Katy's favorite green tea cheese cake. Enjoying the tea break together although they just have 30 minutes time for each other. It's enough, satisfied. Best moment every single day. As long they are there for each other, 1 minute is more than enough. Going to the same cafe again and again. However, it never bores. Laying her head on his broad shoulder, closing her eye and humming along the rhythm of the music. Everything seems perfect. Nothing's wrong. Nothing bothers them. Just simple and sweet...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Are You Enough?

       Her heart aches. She can't cry, tears just can't flow. They just swim around the cornea. Deep breaths.. She felt lonely. What brings her to this kind of situation? Is it her fault? Maybe it is. If not,they won't turn on her. But, she still feel clueless. Confused on what's going on these days. When she comes back,it's like everything has turn around. It's not the same anymore. Different in a bad way. They don't talk to her anymore. When she goes to them, they just turn around and leave. That's all? Why do they ignore her? What had she done that offend them? She wants to find out the answer so badly. However, nobody tells her. She wishes someone just pop out and solves her questions. They respond her in no interest at all. They sound tired. They react as if they want her to go away, to disappear from their sight. Seriously? Why don't they just block her? Why do they have to make her suffer in pain. Pain in her heart. Why do they have to let her know that they are there? But, they don't make an effort to talk to her. Aren't they friends all the while? She never forget them. Some things she did had reasons. It was not what had they expected. It was not the same. She wishes she could just explain them the real truth but they didn't ask her. They just left. She wants to pull them back and ask for the reason. Somehow,she's tired of this situation keep repeating again and again. So, she just give up and let them go. Totally not fine at all though she tells everyone that she is. What's the point? Nobody cares anymore. Is she selfish or them? She really don't want to lose them. She didn't mean to treat them that way. However, she does respond, she makes a conversation first. They so called friends didn't even bother to talk to her. When she makes the effort to say "hi" first, they replied the same thing. Soon, the next word is "bye". Sigh... What happen? Not friends anymore? Totally strangers now? At least, give her an explanation. Make things clear between them. She really don't want things to end just like this. No explanation. Just nothing. Why do they have to make things so difficult? She needs time to fix it. Just give her time, can't they? If that's what they want. Fine...She don't know what else can she do anymore. She tried. What's the point if she keeps on trying but no respond from them? More hope leads more pain. Just try to believe it's not just a false hope.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Never Done

           Are we okay? Are we fine? I wanted to ask you,but... those words just couldn't come out. It seemed so easy but it was way difficult than what I've expected. You seemed to hide everything from me. When I asked you something, you just answered "Nothing". Can't you tell me the truth? I don't like misery. I don't like lies. I could tell that you were lying. Why can't you just spit it out everything and let it be clear. Questions questions everywhere. I was the one who didn't know a thing while you were the one who knows everything. Why can't you just tell me what's wrong? What's the problem? What happened? "Nothing...You think too much." Really nothing? But your face told me everything. It was definitely not a good thing. Never. Somehow, I really hope that maybe I had over thoughts in my mind. I hope that I wasn't true. I would be glad if you come to me and tell me everything's alright, don't worry. I hope that everything could go back to normal and we live like normal. We could smile to each other often and had endless topic. I miss the moments we talked like nothing stopped us. We appreciated each other and helped each other all the time. Now, we just look like strangers. Once I started to talk to you, you would disappear in the air as if I couldn't see you. I know you did it on purpose. You avoided me. You have the rights on whether to reply me or not. I preferred that you didn't reply me in the first place. I  hated it when you replied and made many sort of excuses to avoid me. Those lame excuses couldn't fool me, you idiot! I just pretended that I believe you. Actually,I don't. I just waited for the time you tell me everything. Don't feel bad to tell me. It's better to make things clear. If not, both of us will continue suffer.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Finally! I ate my Jogoya! My family and I went out around 10.30am. My dad parked the car at Sungei Wang. Before lunch, we went there for a walk until 12.30pm. My mum looked through all the shops and just bought one shoe.= =" My stomach was grumbling and moaning for food. Before we went out, I had exercise on the treadmill and took two slices of bread. So,I could eat more at the buffet restaurant. When we reached Jogoya, there was no one making a beeline towards the reception. Just us..It was way different than the time we went there. So quiet... Good thing was we didn't need to fight for food. So,we wobbled all the food. I love the ice cream! Desserts!!! Gosh. They look so nice! This time, I don't felt really full.I could eat more, but then my family couldn't stand it anymore,especially my dad. Never mind,so we just left. I wish I could bring back all the desserts.^^ After the buffet,we went to Pavillion, Fahrenheit 88 and Sungei Wang. My legs were screaming for a chair. I needed a chair. But,we just kept walking and walking. Yawned all the way and wished I had a bed that moment. Tokyo Street in Pavillion really not as fascinating as what I've expected. Just normal la...We didn't know what to buy there. All look so fancy and expensive,totally not my standard. Then,finally! God bless me! I found a chair. We sat down and I just lie my head on the table and closed my weary eyes. After that, we went for a walk again. We spent a long time at Sungei Wang again. Looked through all the boutiques and my mother and I just bought one shirt each. Damn! There were many good-looking clothes but the problem was there was no fitting room. Urgh... Couldn't try on those clothes. I wanted those korean type!!! We went back around 6.45pm. Guess what? We stuck on the road!!! Traffic jam...Totally wrong timing.... I took a nap in the car for around 20-30 mins. When I woke up, I still saw Timesquare in front of me! I thought we reached PJ already. Then, we were lost. My mother and sister gave the wrong direction to my dad. They were looking for PJ sign board. The sign board stated right but they said left,so my dad followed their instruction. In the end, we turned here and there and went back to KL.= =" Once again,I saw timesquare...Urgh!! Traffic jam everywhere. We missed the road again and again. Finally, we saw the Subang Jaya sign board and it was already 8 something. By the time we reached home,it was 8.45pm. God! 2 hours journey. Just sit LRT next time.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm Sorry,My Friend

    Firstly, I've to say that I'm sorry. I'd like to say in front of you but I don't have the guts. I'm a coward. You're my close friend who understands me well. However, I don't know why I can't apologize to you. You didn't tell me what's wrong but I could see that something's wrong. At school, you didn't talk to me. I tried to talk to you, but you seemed mad. It was like I was such a disgust to you. Was I? Or Am I? We had exam, so I took exam as an excuse. Maybe you were busy studying for exam,so you didn't have time to bother me. When I saw the look from your face, I know you were mad at me. Nope, still mad at me. I didn't know what I did that makes you ignore me. Till I saw the post. It was bout me? Surely it was. Who else? We used to be so close. Now, we were like strangers. It was my fault. I barely talk to you. Sorry,I can't tell you the reason. I want to remain our friendship,of course. Maybe I made you felt that I've neglected our friendship. But,no! Never! I still remember when you were there for me during those horrible times. You know what I mean. You were there to comfort me, shared with me and you knew me best. You knew how to comfort me. Those words were what I wanted to hear from. You gave me courage,support and you made me believed that I was right. You found my confidence. I almost collapsed that time, I always had negative thinking and I felt like jumping off the building. Suddenly, you were there at the right moment. You pulled my hand up and made me stood on my feet again. You were one of them who believed in me. You were the one who understood the whole situation. I found back my life and happiness. No, my life has changed. I changed. At first, I thought I've changed to a better person, a more cheerful person. Now, I feel like I'm an evil person. A failure who fails to maintain her friendship. A selfish person who doesn't care bout her friend.T.T How could I do this to you? And I didn't even realise it... I wish that you would've tell me. I don't mind. I'd glad if you tell me so I won't make bigger mistakes. Now,I've done it and we are apart. I suck! Sometimes, I didn't know what to talk to you. Last time, we could just start with any topic. Now is just awkward. I still can't find the reason. Life got harder and busier. The things around me seemed to surround me in thinnest midst. I kept focused on my stuff till I forgot to take a look at you. What a selfish person I am! Self....Haiz.... How I wish time could just fly back. Maybe I will realise it and fix it when there's a chance.  It's so difficult for me to make the see-saw balance. You're my friend and you're one side of the see-saw. But..there's other side that I've to take care of... I've imbalanced it. Now,you're ignoring me. Can I make it balance again? Can we be friends again? Can you accept my apology? I seriously do care bout you. If you're in a bad mood,I'll accompany you no matter how busy I am. That's what friends do,right? If you got anything, just please do tell me. I'm always here for you. Just spit it out! I really don't want to lose a good friend like you....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My beloved JoJo (Part 2)

         Jojo is almost 4 years old now. She gonna be 4 years old in July. But,she still looks like a baby to me. Never grow up. Playing with her toy all day long. Nope. She almost sleep the whole day. Like a pig! Haiz. Whenever I wake her up, she will open up her eyes, never bother to turn her head and look at me,then go back to sleep. Sometimes, she will turn her head when I call her name. After that, she will continue to sleep although I keep calling out her name. Whenever I'm eating my food, she will stare at me with her big round eyes and both of her ears hunched forward. Oh, her begging eyes."Jojo,you want?Cannot!" I finish up my food and look at her. She still look at me with that kind of look. "Okay.Fine.Let me find you something to eat." Then,I grab something and feed her. Jojo is choosey, she doesn't eat biscuit,some particular biscuit, she doesn't eat rice and much more. Lots of stuff are out of her list. Her favourite food is egg! Haha, especially egg yolk. She will eat the egg yolk first,then the egg white.

         Every morning, she will sit at a corner where the sunshine shines. She loves the morning sun. She is kepo. She will listen to our conversation. Soon,she will get bored because she totally don't understand our conversation for sure. Laying on the floor,eyes staring at us,soon her eyes close and sleep soundlessly. She loves my neighbour too because they always feed up. She will climb the wall whenever she hears voices from next door, looking for my neighbour and my neighbour's dog which is a golden retriever. I think she likes the dog but the dog never bothers her. Poor Jojo. Haha. Every day, I will squat down in front of her,calling our her name. She will come towards me through the gate hole and look at me with her head tilts up. Hah! She is short! Our head are inches apart but my head must be away from her head. I sat on my lap and caress her head. Sometime, I'll hold her head with both of my palms, slightly shaking her head while calling out her name. When exam is around the corner, I'll place my book on the floor and study in front of her, just want to keep her accompany.

          I remember the moments I almost did something bad. So bad and stupid though I failed. Jojo was there for me although she couldn't speak like a human. But, looking at her makes me feel better. Being with her is one of the best moments I ever had. She is a good listener, a good friend and my good sister. I feel like hugging her everytime but I can't. I only can caress her. I don't feel shy to cry in front of her. I cried aloud as I could. My tears kept rolling down, I kept panting, wiping away the tears. I must be look awful. She just looked at me.I could see sadness in her eyes. Sympathy. She licked my hand and I stopped crying. Sniffing, wiping away the tears off my face and soon I  smiled. "Thanks,Jojo." She's the best. She's the best gift I ever had in my life. I can't imagine if she's gone. I'll cry for the rest of my life, I guess. By the way, I don't like to take Jojo for a walk. Damn! She doesn't know how to walk properly. She keeps jumping on me and she scratches my leg. Urgh! Her saliva all around me. Ewwww!
Ps: Jojo,I love you.^^ I hope you know what is it mean.

Friday, April 6, 2012

That "Feeling" Again.

Pain, hurt, numb,aching in me. Struggle like an insect which is going to die. The feeling is back again. The terrible feeling. The feeling that I might lose everyone. This time is caused by the different people This time is them. The ones who helped me before, stayed with me when I was in trouble. Why is them now? I'm not sure. I can't confirm but I have that feeling. They ignored me almost every week. Though it was not a few days straight. It was alternative. Oh God, I don't want "that" to happen again. It was a nightmare to me. A terrible nightmare, a catastrophe. I hate that, I hate this feeling creeping in my heart. I wanna stop it. I want a medicine to cure it. But, the only medicine to cure it is them. I can't lose them. They are part of my life. T.T Will they leave me just like them? I really don't want to lose them. Whenever they ignore me, my tears are close to my eyes though I never express it in front of them. I'm afraid. Tired. Speechless and clueless. I don't what to do whenever they ignore me because they will never tell me the reason. I'll apologize for nothing. It worth because they talk to me after that. I feel relief when they talk to me. Safe and no worries. In my protective zone. I wish they tell me the true reason, so at least I know something. So,I can learn from the history; so I won't do the same mistake to you again. The feeling, I wish it never come back. When I fall, I hope you'll pull me up. Without you,I'm nothing. I'm alone. Alone is just a dot. Sorry, I need you to be wtih me. Sorry that I'm annoying...
PS: Talk to me, don't ignore me, never leave me, I need you.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My beloved JoJo (Part 1)

27 September 2008- My parents and I went to a place,forgot the name. We wanted to buy a dog. The place was quite far, around 45 minutes to reach there. I knew that place through a website,petfinder I think. At first, we wanted to buy a poodle. When we stepped in the house, the scent of dogs flowed into my nose. Suddenly, a tiny puppy squashed itself through the door hole and ran towards us. The owner of the dog managed to grab it before it tried to escape successfully. It was so tiny, you might break its bones if you grab it hard. The owners guided us to the back of the house where all the dogs were placed there. There were two types of poodle: brown and white. Besides, there were also maltase, chihwahwa, golden retriever, terrier, bulldog and others. I forgot some of them. My parents changed their mind of buying poodle because they were afraid it would be difficult to handle those fur. The white poodle kept climbing on us when we were sitting on the sofa. My mother said she was afraid that the poodle might destroy the house because it was too active.LOL. Then, my dad asked:"How bout  that?"pointed the tiny dog which wanted to escape earlier. I shrugged. It was tiny.Way too TINY. I kinda rejected at first. I didn't say it out, but the owner could see that I wanted the poodle through my expression. Yeah,I wanted the poodle. In the end, my dad still decided to buy the tiny dog. Its breed is poodle mix chihwahwa. Its head was tiny, the fur was curly. Its face was chihwahwa type.My dad bought it together with the cage. The puppy cost RM300 and it was just two months and a half.

       In the car, I put her into the cage and placed the cage onto the cushion. She was sitting beside me, looking at me with those curious eyes,wondering who I am. She didn't bark at all. I looked at her,observed every part of her. She was going to my pet. She is my pet. I just realised that she is quite pretty, prettier than the poodle. I patted her tiny head, then caressed it. I smiled at her, she smiled at me too. When we reached home, we placed the cage around the corner, next to the kitchen, I let her out. Then, she started sniffing around, got to know the place and the place is her home now. She walked and looked around. Observing her home. Wherever I walked, she would follow me, surrounding me in circles. I accompanied her the whole day till I went to bed. When I climbed up the stairs, she was sitting in the middle facing the stairs, her innocent eyes locked on me. I whispered goodnight to her and went to bed. The next morning, when I was sliding down the stairs, she was in the cage sleeping soundlessly. She opened her tired eyes slowly when she heard my footsteps. Yesterday, she must be sleeping late as she kept barking when all of us went to bed. It was her first night, and she was just a little puppy, she must be afraid. "Morning!" I just said morning because I didn't give her name yet. That night, my family and I were discussing to give her a name. After my mum and dad suggested a few names, I think of "Jojo". It is a pretty cute name. I think "Jojo" suits her too. Then, my family agreed,so we called her "Jojo".

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not Me

You think I like it? Never. When I'm watching you show that suffering look in front of me, the pain is growing in my heart. Something inside my heart struggling to get out, punching its fist against the wall of the heart. The heart cracking and soon shattering into pieces. I know you feel hurt but in fact, I feel worse than you. The reason you feel it hurtful is because of me. Me, the one you love? I fail to make you happy, isn't it? I feel like a useless jerk now. I feel as if there's nothing I can do to make you happy. I've gave a bad impression to you. Maybe you feel like slapping me,right now. Sitting on the chair, eye focus on you, observing your every action. You think I don't know everything? I'm quite smart, of course I know. At first, I wanted to make a move to talk to you. But, I'm a girl, I admit that I'm a little shy. Now, I am fed up. I feel sick to look at you like this. I don't blame you. It's not your fault at all. Right, it's all my fault, and your little friend over there agrees that. Both of you makes me sick. Tired. I feel like shouting. "Stop it!" If both of you cross the line, I might say F* to you guys. But, I don't want to. You guys are my best friend, I never want to say the foul word. I blame myself for being selfish and foolish. Pretend nothing happen. Pretending that everything gonna be alright. In the end, I'm wrong. It's not alright. Maybe it's becoming worse. You can't accept it,I know. I don't know how to stop it. I've tried. I don't want to make it worse. I don't want to involve "him" either. I've explained many times, kept repeating and again. I don't think I wanna explain it again. It's just enough. You said you know, but do you? You keep showing that freaking mad or sad look in front of me. When I try to talk to you, you're like facing a disgusting person. It's like you have no intend to talk to me. Is that it? If it is, I shall disappear. Recently, I got this thought. Maybe it's wrong to sit under the same roof. Being together makes you feel miserable. If I'm not sitting under the same roof with you, things won't go that bad and I will never become the middle person. I ruined your friendship. SucK! Everything because of me. ME!!! THIS PERSON! WHY ME?! You think I want it? NO!!! I just want everything to be ok! To be normal. But,why do you have to think the negative way? I make you feel miserable. I can't give you the happiness you want. I'm not the right one. I'm not the one you want. As your little friend said, I'm evil. Just hate me.You deserve a better person, not a jerk like me.
PS: The "I" is not me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Beanieplex At First

I tried Beanieplex for the first time in Sunway Piramid. My friends and I watched "This Means War", it was comedy+action+romance type. The movie was not bad but kinda short. We paid rm19 per person for beanieplex. If the movie extend a bit longer, it would be better. Haha! Never mind, just an experience. Just wanna try the seat because it looks nice in the photo. The seat is the sofa-type. To be honest, the seat was not as comfortable as I thought. My sofa at home is more comfortable than that. That sofa seemed to made of solid beans in it. I don't know how to describe it. I sort of forget the touch of the sofa already. HAH! The sofa was low. Way low. I was laying down on the sofa, my feet was touching the floor. I wanted to get up every time to sit properly but my arse will slid eventually. Kept sliding sown. I had no idea what type of cushion that was. If there got pillows, it would be better. So I can sleep on it. Haha! The sofa was quite spacy. You can lift up your legs if you want. You can do anything you want, there's enough space for you. If you lift you head to peep at other seats, you'll probably see their heads only. You probably can't see the people in front of you. It's like you're in your own world unless there are people sitting beside you. 3 people can fit into a sofa. I'd rather have one by myself. HAHA! Beanieplex was totally different than the ones I used to go. It is worth to have a try. After one try, I don't think there is necessary to go beanieplex anymore. I prefer sitting on my sofa and watching TV. If I have a big screen at my home,it will be perfect. ^^

The seats in Beanieplex.^  They look like huge bag beans.

In Your Arms

Being around with someone you love is the best thing happen to you. The feel, the touch and the scent. They are precious stuff which are brought by the loved ones.The warmness, you'll never feel such that in your life. It's sweet and real warm. Lovely. True love, that's what we want. If there's a chance, please appreciate it and try to be with your love ones no matter what. Don't waste it. Don't throw it into a drain. It's not worth it. Once it's gone, you'll never get it back. Being in his/her arms, you'll have that feeling. The feeling you ever want in your life. Safe, protected, comfortable and in love. Their arms are like a protective shield, protect you from anything. Never let you hurt, never let a strand of hair to fall. Besides, you'll never want to leave when you're in their arms. Addicted to it soon or later. Wish they will never let go their arms and hug you forever. Wish that everything can be freeze, time stops to tick, everything stops and stares, be in their arms forever. Don't want to wake up, just be that way. Be contact with your love ones, they will appreciate it soon you'll be thank yourself for doing that so. Relationship will improve, and the bond become closer. Leaving the one you love will be the biggest mistake in your life. Please don't do that and don't ever try. When you got the chance to be with them, accept it and do it. Lying on his/her chest, holding hands, whispering to each other,looking at each other, those are what couples do. Appreciate them. Please do and never forgets.

PS: LLB. 16/3/12